Sunday, October 26, 2008

New blog site!!

Hey friend Jessica has a brother who now has a blog!! Can you belive that?? He's only 10!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Apple Picking Day

Today my mom and dad decided to take my brother Abraham and me apple picking. When we got to the place (which is like a hour away) we saw apple trees and pumpkins. It was all very nice but the apple bags you have to buy before you even get to pick them (for some strange reason) where $35 for a big bag and $10 for the small bag. It was $2.00 a pound for apples!! So we left and just bought some apples at the grocery store instead. So here I am...just blogging.


My cousin Kayci is on and off of the hospital. She is very sick and the doctors don't know what os wrong with her. Please pray for her.